Centaurworld follows a warhorse who is transported from her embattled world to a strange land inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all species, shapes, and sizes. Desperate to Centaurworld follows a warhorse who is transported from her embattled world to a strange land inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all species, shapes, and sizes. Desperate to return home, she befriends a group of these magical creatures and embarks on a journey that will test her more than any battle she's ever faced before.详情
爱德华·布卢梅尔,图索·姆贝杜,匹克西·戴夫斯,詹姆斯·卡利斯,理查德·多默,西德尼·詹姆斯·哈考特,埃拉丽卡·加拉切,娜塔莎·金斯基,扎恩·迈克拉农,Aaron Neil,弗朗卡·波滕特