Kara, devastated by loss of Krypton struggles to adjust her new life on Earth. Superman mentors her. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle wh Kara, devastated by loss of Krypton struggles to adjust her new life on Earth. Superman mentors her. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle who searches for a powerful weapon held in the Academy’s vault.详情
汤姆·肯尼,科林·汉克斯,玛莉亚·班福德,布莱恩·斯达克,拉瑞恩·纽曼,布兰登·约翰逊,卡洛斯·阿拉斯拉奇,布莱恩·赫斯基,詹姆斯·阿多米安,Lisa Schwartz,Dave Willis,George Back,Robin Reed,Dannah Feinglass,乔希·法德姆,Matt Gourley